Use the Network Coverage Checker tool on our Website to see if our service is available in your area.
When you enter your ZIP Code, the tool will provide details about the 4G and 5G coverage in your precise location.
Coverage Map
You may also have a look at our Network Coverage checker , which shows symbols in various places that are red to indicate expected coverage.
Enter specific addresses or ZIP codes to check the service's accessibility at various locations, including your house, place of employment, or preferred hangouts.
Compatibility Checker
1. Use the Compatability checker tool on our Website
2. Before joining us, please use our Compatability checker to make sure your phone is GSM and VoLTE compatible if you're bringing your own device.
3. Enter the IMEI number of your phone to check compatibility.
Unlocked Phone
1. Confirm that your phone is unlocked—that is, it is not connected to a certain carrier because of an active contract or payment arrangement.
2. Contact your existing carrier to find out the status of your device if you need clarification.
3. Check the phone's unlock status with the seller before buying a new one. Devices that are locked cannot be used with the Infimobile service.
Plan Change
1. We provide a variety of plans adapted to your unique needs, ranging from 1 GB to unlimited data plans, all at very affordable prices.
2. Browse our Website 's excellent selections to find the plan that best suits you.
3. Benefit from unlimited phone calls, SMS, and data services, superb network uptime, and extraordinary 5G speeds.
You can decide if Infimobile is the best option for you by using these resources, taking into account our plans, and looking at our network capabilities.